Everything you need for your Aga & Rayburn


By - JB
14.04.24 10:51

The 2 Golden Rules

There are two Golden Rules when running or perhaps I should say, setting up a Burner. With these simple and easily checked rules in place you can then move on to consider other issues when trying to solve a problem.

1. The depth of oil in the burner should be 5-6mm. 

    This is measured where the wicks fit, in the trenches. The burner itself should be level, not the plate that it is mounted to. Then measure the oil level after about 15 minutes.

2. The Flow Rates.

    There are 2 types of Oil Controller, one with a grey knob on it and the vast majority without. All of them operate on two flow rates, on Tickover or LOW, it should be 4mL per minute. Then on HIGH it should be 8mL per minute. 

Whilst every site is very slightly different, you can fine tune the set up to ensure that the burner works with a lovely blue flame, so there is no sooting up - and the burner works efficiently.

Don't forget that once done, they won't change unless you change something - so this is a once only bit of work.

If you need more detailed explanation or would like more help or guidance, or to purchase the Technical Support package, we can then forward the detailed instructions for you to follow.

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